Photo Printing Size Guide For Frames

Photo Printing Size Guide For Albums and Frames

Whether you’re a photographer looking to print and frame your work or simply want to frame a photo to hang in your home, quality is important. Getting photos printed to the exact size you need isn’t always as simple as it seems. Read our photo printing size guide for albums and frames and ensure that your photos look their best.

Print and Frame Photos

Traditionally the size of prints in the UK are as follows:

6x4, 7x5, 8x6, 10x8, 12x8 and 16x12 all in inches. (Larger Sizes Available, but it could get boring!)

The table below, shows manufacturers centimeter sizing for UK inches, but sometimes, depending on where the frame is manufactured, these figures can be ever so slightly out. (Annoying I know)

Inches Manufacturer Centimetres
6x4 15x10
6.5x4.5 16x11
7x5 18x13
7.5x5 19x13
8x6 20x15
10x8 25x20
12x8 30x20
16x12 40x30

Getting Photos Printed In Store

Fit and Fill are two words which will make your photo printing life so much easier. If you are a keen photographer and like to get in close and personal, particularly with portrait shots, then cropping can be an issue. This is where the outer edges of the image you can see on your camera screen don't actually get printed, which is extremely annoying, especially if you have spent ages composing the perfect shot.

What we suggest you do is ask the shop printing your photos to fill the images as this will ensure that the whole glorious edge to edge image is printed to perfection with nothing cut off! The only slight down side of this behaviour, is that you will have a couple of white lines on the edges of the photographs, which will need to be removed, making the print size slightly smaller than a standard photo size ..... and the staff member might tell you off for shouting! However, if you don't ask them to 'FILL' the images they will most likely be printed as 'FIT', which means the photos will be printed on the standard ratio, which gives you a standard sized print (hoorah), but possible cropping (boo).

Choosing the right frame

If you want to keep life simple, choose a photo that has a bit of ‘room around’ the subject and then you can put it into any similar size frame, even if it has an internal mount. If the image you want to display goes right to the edge of the paper then be careful with what you choose frame wise, otherwise, you could end up with Aunty Nelly completely covered by the internal mount, which may not be a bad thing.

Now that you’ve read our Photo Printing Size Guide For Albums and Frames guide, why not head in store or get in touch via phone or email to get your photos printed. We’ll even be able to guide you on the correct sizing if you know what frame or album your photos will be going in.

by Alison Harrison on 16/04/2017

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