£0.00 GBP
Also available in Yellow and Black -Click Here
Check out our other M38 colours -Click Here
Once you've finished a roll of film with your camera, come and get it developed with us!Click Here
Also available in Green and White -Click Here
More Kodak H35 colours available -Click Here
More Kodak H35 colours available -Click Here
Check out our other M38 colours -Click Here
Once you've finished a roll of film with your camera, come and get it developed with us!Click Here
Vintage style with authentic look and feel of the 60s
Easy to use – load film, hit shutter button, press film lever
Authentic film-generated photographs and reusable
Fixed shutter speed (1/120s)
31mm, single element f9 fixed-focus wide-angle lens
Manual film advance winding lever
More Kodak H35 colours available -Click Here